Latest News From Halquist
Halquist Wins 2018 Wisconsin Reclamation Award
The Aggregate Producers of Wisconsin held their annual convention on November 29th in Stevens Point, Wiconsin. It was here where they announced that Halquist Stone won the 2018 Wisconsin Reclamation Award for our Badger Sandstone quarry.
Badger Sandstone was located in Rudolph, Wisconsin and operated between 2005 and 2015. The quarry provided the building industry with building stone veneer, landscape stone and decorative stone chips. Halquist Stone's reclamation approach was the extensive use of native species, including grasses and wild flowers to return the land to its' original natural beauty. Over 130 transect sites were used for strict compliance.
The reclamation process was completed and certified by Wood County in November 2017.