Aglime | Aggregates

Using Aglime Means Higher Yields And Profits!
The quality of aglime can differ. It is determined by the fineness of grind and chemical composition. The higher the quality of aglime, the more efficient it is in a given time in neutralizing soil acidity. You can say it's nature's gift to farmers.
- Improves water and nutrient uptake, plus protects soil from water and wind erosion
- Aglime can improve fertilizer efficiency by as much as 50%
- Dolomitic Aglime supplies both calcium and magnesium
- Every $1 spent on Aglime can equal a return of as much as $10 in productivity
- Aglime should be applied whenever acid soil conditions threaten crop production
- Annual spreading of Aglime can improve pasture productivity by 20%
- Aglime should only be applied after soil samples have been tested and collected
- For best results, Aglime should be applied as far ahead of crop planting as possible
Halquist Stone produces two types of Aglime products, 80-89 and 60-69
- 80-89 Aglime - It's fine grind, chemical properties and low cost make it the most
sought after limiting material in Wisconsin - 60-69 Aglime - A more coarse blend of limestone, it has excellent slip resistance
for barns, but is also an excellent liming material.
Our Aglime products are regularly tested by UW Soil & Plant Analysis Lab for quality assurance. Call us today to find out how Halquist Agricultural Lime can improve your profits!